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Discovery Phase

From the onset of the project in September 2020, its Discovery phase has continued to involve and include rangatahi (along with sector specialists) in co-design and research processes. This primary phase has generated information, ideas, and concepts about how best to plan, start up, and deliver the mahi. 


The willingness to contribute and connect during the Discovery phase one was instant. Rangatahi clearly articulated the need, not only for themselves but also for their peers, their whanau, and their communities. The creative workshops, including collective artworks made by participants, also generated insights into how this project could sit alongside organisations currently working in this space and the impact it could have.


A collective, emerging vision gave the concept life, and as the opportunity to make a real difference was clear, the need was proven. By the end of this phase, a development model had emerged to guide the next steps.

My Art Bag's Discovery Phase is in partnership with Augusto, Creative NZ, Oranga Tamariki (Youth Justice, Care and Protection, Engaging Challenging Youth), Activate Tamaki Makaurau, Mixit, Tuilaepa Youth Mentoring Service, Northern Health Schools, Schools, The University of Auckland, Waitakere Alternative Education Consortium, Youth Aid, designers and artists, WDHB (ICAMS), Auckland Council, Alternative Education, The Harvest Room, and Re-Connect Mentoring.

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